Car Related Tax Deductions
If you use your car for work, you can claim the costs associated with this - but only if you own the car you use. It is not possible for you to claim anything if your car is owned by your employer or part of your salary package.
If you do own your car, then there are two methods you can use to claim any car-related expenses:
- Your claim by this method is based on a set rate for each business kilometre you travel. Under this method you are eligible to claim up to a maximum of 5,000 kilometres per year, per vehicle
- If you travel in excess of 5,000 kilometres this method of claim may not be appropriate to you. You may be better off using the logbook method.
- The claim value is calculated by multiplying the total business kilometres traveled (limited to 5,000 per vehicle) by the standard rate of 78 cents per kilometre. This figure takes into account all the vehicle running expenses (including depreciation)
- You do not need written evidence, however you need to be able to demonstrate that you have covered the kilometres claimed. A diary of work-related journeys (including the kilometres traveled) will suffice.
Your claim by this method is based on the business use percentage of each car expense. This is determined by a log book that must have been kept for at least a 12 week period, and must be updated every five years. Through your logbook you can claim all expenses that relate to the operation of the car at your percentage of business use
The logbook must record all business journeys made in the car over the 12 week period that it records, detailing:
- When the log book period begins and ends
- The car's odometer readings at the start and end of the period
- The total kilometres traveled
- The business percentage for the logbook period
For each journey in the logbook, you must record:
- Date of journey
- Odometer readings at the start and end of the journey
- Kilometres traveled
- Reasons for the journey
- If you make two or more journeys in a row on the same day you can record them as a single journey
You will need to keep all receipts throughout the year to justify your claim, such as insurance, servicing and repairs. Petrol can be estimated using the start and end odometer readings for the year, indicating the total kilometres traveled.
Depreciation is calculated as 25% of the written down value of the car (using the 'diminishing value' method).
Remember, if your car is provided by your employer, or is part of your salary package, you cannot claim any of the costs. Also, it is important that you keep a record of all business-related expenses, including those related to your car.
If you use someone else's car or another vehicle (that is not defined as a car) for work purposes, you may be able to claim the direct costs (such as fuel) as a travel expense.
Other vehicles included in the above expenses are:
- Motorcycles
- Vehicles with a carrying capacity of:
º One tonne or more (such as a utility truck or panel van)
º Nine passengers or more (such as a minivan).
You cannot claim the cost of normal trips between home and work because that travel is private, even if:
- You do minor tasks on the way to work, such as picking up the mail
- You travel back to work for a security call out or parent teacher interviews
- You work overtime and no public transport is available to use to get you home
We have log books and travel record cards available for you to use to keep the necessary records - just ask at one of our offices!
TAS Tailored Accounting Solutions is based in Bayswater however we service all of Victoria, from the Yarra Valley to Mornington we can assist.
Thank you for reading!
Should you have any queries in regards to the above please contact our office on (03) 9728 1448
The TAS Team
3/653 Mountain Highway, Bayswater VIC 3153
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