Claiming Vehicle Expenses As a business owner, one of the perks is the ability to claim tax deductions for expenses related to motor vehicles used in your business operations. This includes cars and certain other vehicles that play a role in running your business smoothly. The good news is that claiming motor vehicle expenses can …
Car Related Tax Deductions If you use your car for work, you can claim the costs associated with this – but only if you own the car you use. It is not possible for you to claim anything if your car is owned by your employer or part of your salary package. If you do …
ATO Hot Spot Focus The ATO focuses every year on certain hotspots where taxpayers are prone to making mistakes – either accidentally or deliberately. What is expected to be on the ATO’s list this year? There are two main areas they will examine; work-related expenses and claims made by investment property owners. There is a …
2023 Tax Return This year, things have changed and many people will receive much lower refunds than they did last year. Those who are affected by this change may be interested in knowing some of the reasons and what they can do to change it. It is possible for tax rules to change from year …
EOFY As the financial year comes to a close, now is the time to visit your accountant or tax advisor to discuss tax planning for your business in 2023. At the end of every financial year, business owners should be reviewing and measuring their performance in comparison to the previous year. By regularly reviewing this …