Tax saving tips for businesses

4 strategies for business success | Accountants Bayswater | TAS

Business Tax Savings

When preparing your business tax return, you want to take advantage of every opportunity to maximize your hard-earned dollars. However, it's not always easy to know how to do that.

We've put together this guide to help you with the exact strategies we've used for thousands of businesses to maximize their tax efficiency and work smarter, not harder, at tax time.

Select the right business structure

It is important to carefully consider the business structure you choose in order to maximise tax advantages. Each structure has different implications for setup costs, asset protection, and tax responsibilities. Here's a closer look at the main options:

Sole Trader: This structure is simple, but it leaves you open to unlimited liability. You pay taxes on business income and other earnings at individual marginal rates, which can be as high as 45% (plus Medicare levy) for top earners.

Partnership: Profits in partnerships are divided among the partners, who are then taxed on their individual shares. The partnership itself does not pay taxes, making it a pass-through entity for tax purposes.

Company: Companies are subject to a flat tax rate of 30%, or 25% for base rate entities, with no tax-free threshold. While this structure offers limited liability, it involves higher compliance costs.

Trust: Trusts can facilitate tax-effective income distribution among beneficiaries. Beneficiaries declare their share of trust income on personal tax returns, which could potentially minimise overall tax liabilities.

Take advantage of tax deductions

Australia offers a range of business tax deductions aimed at reducing your tax burden, including business travel expenses, equipment purchases, and asset depreciation. These deductions are vital for businesses to drive growth and innovation.

By claiming deductions on equipment purchases, not only can you lower immediate tax liabilities, but you can also stimulate investments in modernising operations, enhancing efficiency, and maintaining competitiveness within your industry. Additionally, a keen understanding of depreciation intricacies allows businesses to strategically plan for future expenses and manage cash flow effectively.

Write Off Bad Debts

Claiming unrecoverable income from debtors as a deduction can significantly reduce taxable income. Writing off bad debts is essential for not only minimising tax liabilities but also for maintaining a healthy cash flow. By promptly recognizing and deducting bad debts, businesses can accurately evaluate their financial health and proactively mitigate risks associated with outstanding payments.

Claim Tax Offsets

Small business owners, including sole traders, partners, and trust beneficiaries with turnover under $5 million, are eligible to claim a tax offset of up to $1,000. This tax offset can play a significant role in reducing overall tax liability, providing substantial financial relief and improving cash flow for the business. It's crucial to thoroughly comprehend the eligibility criteria and ensure the correct claiming process to maximize the advantage of these tax savings.

Invest in your accounting software

Accounting software provides all-encompassing solutions for businesses to streamline expense tracking, tax management, and reporting processes, ultimately enhancing efficiency and accuracy for tax returns, ensuring no important deductions are missed.

Stay on top of super deadlines

Remember to make all employee super contributions by the deadline in order to claim deductions. Timely super contributions not only ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, but also provide benefits for employers. Meeting super deadlines can lead to tax deductions, which can reduce overall tax liabilities and improve financial performance.

To optimise your business finances this year, consider engaging the services of a proficient accountant to manage your tax return! You’ll not only save money but a whole lot of time and stress.

Thank you for reading!
Should you have any queries in regards to the above please contact our office on (03) 9728 1448

The TAS Team
3/653 Mountain Highway, Bayswater VIC 3153

Matej Buckovsky (CPA)

Accountant and SMSF Specialist/Registered SMSF Auditor

Matej is a Certified Practising Accountant with over 10 years of combined taxation, auditing, and business advisory experience.



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