Logbooks For Your Cars

Tailored Accounting (6)

Car Logbooks

There are a number of methods that tax deductions can be calculated for car usage or the fringe benefits value of a car. One of these methods requires that a logbook is to be completed.

The purpose of the logbook is to help determine what proportion of the usage of the car is business use. For an individual, this will then give you a percentage of your overall expenses that are tax-deductible. For an employer, it will tell you what percentage of use of the car is subject to fringe benefits tax. It is important to understand though that even if you complete a logbook, you don’t necessarily have to use the logbook method for claiming your tax deductions.

What Goes Into A Logbook?

Your logbook must contain:

when the logbook period begins and ends

the car’s odometer readings at the start and end of the logbook period

the total number of kilometres the car travelled during the logbook period

the number of kilometres travelled for each journey. If you make two or more journeys in a row on the same day, you can record them as a single journey

the odometer readings at the start and end of each subsequent income year your logbook is valid for

the business-use percentage for the logbook period

the make, model, engine capacity and registration number of the car

Other Important Notes For Logbooks

The log book must be maintained for at least 12 continuous weeks and will be valid for up to five years. If your circumstances change though, you should complete a new log book.

If you have two cars that you use and wish to keep a log book for both cars, then the 12 week period must be the same for both cars.

You will need to keep evidence of all of your car expenses (including receipts). You can estimate fuel costs but will need to keep odometer readings.

A logbook cannot simply be written up at the end of the time period (12 weeks). The ATO have access to data (such as toll history) and will match what they find against your logbook. If they discover a discrepancy, all of your car expenses claimed as a tax deduction may be completely disallowed.

Thank you for reading!
Should you have any queries in regards to the above please contact our office on (03) 9728 1448

The TAS Team
3/653 Mountain Highway, Bayswater VIC 3153

Isabella Farmakis Buckovsky

Client & Practice Manager

Isabella liaises with clients and business owners to create rewarding decisions and develops long-lasting relationships by providing a relaxed and comfortable approach to tax and business queries






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