Fringe Benefits
FBT and Your Business As a part of your employees’ employment contracts, do they receive benefits such as a car space, gym membership or even a car to drive? These are what’s known as fringe benefits, which is a ‘payment’ to an employee that takes a different form to salary or wages. This incurs a …
Bloggers, Social Media Influencers and Tax Firstly, you need to be blogging as a business, rather than a hobby. It means that you regularly earn money from blogging, either through direct fees or sponsorships from the companies about which you write. If you operate on a pay-per-view model, you can also earn revenue from subscriptions …
Holiday Season and FBT At the end of the year, you may be looking for extrinsic ways to thank your hardworking employees or faithful customers/clients. A work Christmas/end-of-year party may be a method employed by many businesses to demonstrate their gratitude towards staff, but the expense can be a deciding factor. Christmas/holiday parties are regarded …