Plumber Tax Deductions
As an employee, Plumbers can deduct expenses related to their work, including car, travel, tools, clothing, and self-education.
Deductions for work-related expenses can be claimed as follows:
- The money must have been spent by you and you weren't reimbursed
- Your income must be directly related to it
- It must be documented.
The deduction can only be claimed for work-related expenses if the expense was both work-related and private.
Employee deductions for plumbers include:
- Car and travel expenses
- Transporting bulky tools and equipment
- Travelling between workplaces
- Shifting workplaces
- Car expenses
- Vehicles other than cars
- Parking expenses and tolls
- Car and travel expenses you can’t claim
- Overnight travel expenses
- Clothing expenses
- Protective equipment
- Phone expenses
- Self-education expenses
- Tool and equipment expenses
- Overtime meal expenses
- Union and professional association fees
Make sure to report all income and exclude any expenses that aren't related to your job on your tax return.
Whenever you claim a deduction, you agree that all the information you have provided is accurate and can be substantiated by records. It is your responsibility to indicate in your tax return what you claim, regardless of whether a registered tax agent prepares and lodges it on your behalf.
Thank you for reading!
Should you have any queries in regards to the above please contact our office on (03) 9728 1448
The TAS Team
3/653 Mountain Highway, Bayswater VIC 3153
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