Why Your Business Needs an Advisor
Feel like your business is stuck in a rut? Unable to solve a problem that you know is going to cost you in the long run? Struggling to navigate your way through a difficult time?
It might not be financially tanking, and it might not be that your revenue stream is down; however, if you’re not sure what direction to take with your business, you might need a fresh set of eyes and a bit of extra guidance.
A fresh pair of eyes to take a look at particular issues that your business is facing to deal with them doesn’t have to come from within the business. Sometimes, an outsider’s viewpoint or perspective can be even more informative.
Business advisers can be engaged across many fields with specially focused advice or strategies to a specific area (such as accountants, business bankers or commercial lawyers) or be a business adviser who is dedicated to considering the overall goals and long-term ramifications of your business’s strategies.
A business adviser can be hired on either a one-time basis (to deal with any one-off problems your business is set to face) or on an ongoing basis to provide continued support.
If you are only looking for a particular solution to a particular problem, one-time advice from a business adviser can be an easy and cost-effective solution.
However, if you’re looking for long-term ongoing support that’s backed by years of experience and a perspective that’s looking to preempt these issues, ongoing advice may be more appropriate for your needs.
Engaging a business adviser can provide your business with fresh ideas based on an objective analysis of your business’s current performance and situation.
Experts within their relevant fields are also able to provide you with specialised advice, based on the ongoing consultations you may have had with them previously or plan to have in the future.
As an example, contracting an accountant in a business adviser role means that you are looking for strategic and financial advice like profitability improvement, tax planning and advice regarding business performance. These can be critical to ensuring your business’s longevity and preparing for whatever the future may throw at you.
For example - if you were looking to sell your business, your contracted accountant should be able to map out the tax liabilities involved in doing so, the assets that would entail as part of the sale or even if you may be eligible for certain concessions.
An adviser who can offer timely and relevant advice to your financial situation can make a huge difference to your business in the long run. They can also assist you in plotting out business goals, preparing for hardship, or even working out what to do in the event of bankruptcy.
Looking for assistance in plotting out the financial future of your business, or for a tax specialist who can?
We are more than ready for that conversation to be had with you. We’re well-equipped to assist you with mapping out your business’s plan for the future, so why not speak with us and see how
Thank you for reading!
Should you have any queries in regards to the above please contact our office on (03) 9728 1448
The TAS Team
3/653 Mountain Highway, Bayswater VIC 3153
Dorothea Farmakis (CPA)
Dorothea, our CPA Qualified Accountant (Registered Tax Agent), has over 25 years experience within international corporate firms in Accountancy, Funds Management and Asset Management for firms such as HSBC, P&O, Lend Lease and more.
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