Why a proactive accountant is your business’s superhero

Business Superhero | ATO | Accountant | Bayswater

Business Super Heroes

Navigating through uncertain times while operating reactively can be a dangerous game for small businesses. But fear not! A proactive partnership with your accountant could be the game-changer your SME needs to thrive amidst the chaos.

Breaking free from the reactivity trap

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are grappling with a myriad of challenges - from inflation spikes to geopolitical tensions and lingering pandemic woes. In such tumultuous times, it's easy to slip into survival mode and merely react to immediate crises.

So, how do you break this cycle? The answer lies in proactive, strategic guidance and planning that looks beyond short-term fixes. An astute accountant can help you take stock of your current situation, scrutinise your operations, and chart a course for stability through proactive forecasting and planning.

The power of proactive planning:


Forget the last-minute tax scramble. A proactive accountant can work with you year-round, understanding your business intricately to minimise tax liabilities while maximizing your net worth.


Good debt vs. bad debt - a proactive accountant discerns the difference and helps you navigate borrowing strategies that minimise costs and maximise flexibility.

Strategic planning:

Connect the dots between your financial milestones, forecasts, and overarching strategy with the expert guidance of a proactive accountant. Together, you'll chart a course for growth while building in resilience against setbacks.

Is your accountant up to the task?

Take a critical look at your current accountant:

  • Do they truly understand your business and goals?
  • Are they proactive in their approach, regularly checking in on your progress?
  • Are they approachable and responsive to your queries?

If your current accountant falls short, it's time for a change. Partner with a proactive accountant like the team at TAS Tailored Accounting Solutions who will stand by your side, offering invaluable guidance and support to steer your business toward success.

Ready to thrive, not just survive?

Embrace the power of a proactive partnership with TAS Tailored Accounting Solutions, together you'll weather the storms and emerge stronger, more resilient, and better positioned for growth.

Thank you for reading!
Should you have any queries in regards to the above please contact our office on (03) 9728 1448

The TAS Team
3/653 Mountain Highway, Bayswater VIC 3153

Matej Buckovsky (CPA)

Accountant and SMSF Specialist/Registered SMSF Auditor

Matej is a Certified Practising Accountant with over 10 years of combined taxation, auditing, and business advisory experience.



Consultancy (Financial Services, Civil Engineers)



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